Objective of the program
Understand & learn problem solving , process improvement , defect reduction or elimination of variation.
Basically ,learn techniques to resolve issues around the three basic factors of“ Cost , Time and Quality”, in any business.

What is expected out of a certified GB in a company?
- You would have to work on 2-3 projects a year
- Industry average shows an annual benefit of $ 75000/- per GB for the company
Things you should to do to be a certified GB
- Complete a 4 full day training with TrainFirm ,adding up to a total of 32 hours
- Appear for the exam on the 4th day and pass in the exam ,with a minimum of 60% (After this, you will be receiving a “Trained GB” certificate)
- Discuss with us ,a project you have completed within 6 months of completion of the training and this will earn you the certificate of a “Certified GB”